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A member registered Sep 26, 2021

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huh can u send a clip of the butterfly

I Love this saw it on ur patron

This Is Great

Hey u got a discord I got more peeb secrets and other demos!

lol Im playing the Patron one still

Whaaa its a WBG

lol I flew out of bounds to get it but how do you normally get it! 

In the castle right before you meet the boss on the right most colored window there is a noclip there! Also in the snow man you can take the head off and use your camera to look under the map at the snowman!!!!

You missed some

You can in the files

Is there a way to get the admin gun?

Uhhhhhhhh WHERE IS THE LAST ROOM (Sorry not being mean just tired)!

Found the code wakef-mgpl9-8qfwr someone got it lol idc.

I just flew past the ocean all the way with the 666 jetpack and then somehow nonclipped into this how do you normally get in here!

Johnny you are a legend I will pay you money if you could help teach me how to make games in unity! Also I found a bug out of bounds lol I shouldn't be here.

I tried it did not work.

One more thing wth is the sage talking about the monition blur

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I also can't do the "For bubbling, you need to go to the fatum room (accessed with the beast on top of the temple) and sit in the pond for a full minute. The unlock condition for this one is annoying, so that's why most people don't end up getting this familiar. "  is it in the temple or the bryce room?

Im missing 5 rooms I have everything the comments and the ocean dweller what are VERY HARD to find rooms. I really want to know I did a 23 hour live stream.

Peeb lol


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Thanks you really active for all your old games and please make a Demon Island 2 Please. When you have freetime of course. Almost forgot how do you get to the peeb room from the photo's from Patron.

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Hey how do I get the keycard for the store and the hotel key. Please help me. Also What Does "P" Do?